Sunday, April 15, 2012

Do you think chicago is a SAFE city ?

I assume Chicago has a bad world reputation of not being safe ?

could you give us more ';relieve'; and understandable news ? esp for stupid tourists :)))))

Do you think chicago is a SAFE city ?

Chicago is a perfectly safe city. As in any other major metropolitan area, there are areas of the city that are undesireable. You will not be in those areas as a tourist.

In most areas of the city, it%26#39;s prefectly safe to be out in the evening. Assuming that you%26#39;re staying at downtown hotel here, you%26#39;ll be fine in the neighborhood. As in any othere major city, just use a little common sense while you%26#39;re here and you%26#39;ll do fine.

Do you think chicago is a SAFE city ?

Why do you assume that Chicago has a world-wide reputation for not being safe? Have you talked to people from different countries who have told you this? Read or heard news reports?

Of course, there are pickpockets, people who commit acts of vandalism, robbery and much worse. Those things also happen in New York and London and Tokyo and Buenos Aires and hundreds of other cities. But if you say what your concerns are or what specifically you have heard, it would be easier to address those issues.

However, as a rule Chicago is a safe place for tourists. As the previous poster said, you just need to use common sense, know where you%26#39;re going and be aware that there are always people who will want to take advantage of you.

Depends on how you are doing a comparison...

Does Chicago have more violent crime than any major European city? Yes...

Are there more crimes against property than a major european city? No...there are probably less.

Are there more violent crimes than Sao Paulo Brazil? No, much less.

In comparing it to Istanbul, I%26#39;m guessing there is less of a threat of being randomly murdered there than here, but a much higher chance of being killed by wife tells me for a long period all tourist groups were escorted by armed guards.

But to compare it witht he rest of America...I don%26#39;t think Chicago as a whole is any more or less violent than New York and is probably less violent than LA. Cities such as St. Louis, Detriot, Atlanta and Buffalo probably have much higher crime rates. That being said, so long as you stay out of the ';bad areas';, use a little common sense and stay aware of your surroundings, you%26#39;ll have nothing to worry about. I%26#39;ve lived inside the city for 5 years and in Northern Illinois for my whole life...I%26#39;ve been a victim of property crime twice (one time was out of my own stupidity) and have never been a victim of violent crime, nor have I known anyone who%26#39;s been a victim of violent crime.

That ';worldwide reputation'; is probably a vestige of the 1920s, the infamous days of Al Capone%26#39;s gang and their rivals. As has been correctly pointed out, Chicago today is comparable to or better than most major American cities as far as crime goes, particularly if you stick to the well-visited areas.

My daughter and myself (she%26#39;s 9) have flown into Chicago %26amp; Out in one day several times. Just the two of us, travel downtown for shopping, walk around at night, and take a cab back to the airport. I probably wouldn%26#39;t take the ';L'; with just us, but only because I%26#39;m not familiar with it. Be smart, as you would anywhere. I%26#39;ve never been afraid there, and always felt safe.

I lived in downtown Chicago for 5 years while going to college - and visit several times a year now. I regularly walked around alone at night and used public transportation by myself - and probably didn%26#39;t use as much discretion as most tourists would (especially as a twenty-something female). I%26#39;ve never had any scary or bad experiences. Maybe I%26#39;ve been lucky - but I have always felt perfectly safe in Chicago. I%26#39;m sure that the part of the city that you%26#39;ll be seeing is well-lit and crawling with people. You%26#39;ll be fine!

I go can go downtown by myself or with girlfriends anytime. One great thing about Chicago is that it lives at night and people are always around -- they don%26#39;t abandon the city in the evening. As long as you stay in the main areas you will be fine. If you get lost-don%26#39;t keep straying and wandering. Call the hotel, restaurant, police, and get directions. I say this because Chicago has grown so much that some of the outlying tourist areas extend toward some undesirable areas and if you go 3-4 blocks out of the tourist areas you may feel intimidated. But having said this as a warning to a visiter, don%26#39;t be afraid, you will love the energy of the city, it%26#39;s living, breathing, clean and friendly.

Hi.We%26#39;re a couple in our 40%26#39;s from a very safe Canadian city, Toronto. We%26#39;ve spent about 3 weeks over the last 2 years in primarily downtown Chicago. Chicago is fine for safety. Check postings for generally unsafe areas. Like any large city,there%26#39;s also ';random'; violence; when we were last there, a student was shot dead on the public transportation system.But this is the exception,not the norm. I think you%26#39;ll be quite safe.Enjoy Chicago; it is a great city!

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