I will be in Chicago for the long weekend and am wondering what i should take to wear. I see it%26#39;s in the 70%26#39;s during the day, and mid 50%26#39;s at night. You think bermudas and a light jacket is enough for the day? How about at night?
Do you mean Memorial Day weekend or ???
Yes, memorial weekend. We leave for Chicago Thursday am and return on Monday pm.
Often it%26#39;s rainy and chilly on/around Memorial Day so I%26#39;d bring a light jacket. Especially if you are going to be on the lake, taking a river cruise or even going to Wrigley, I%26#39;d bring a lighter jacket.
On the other hand, I%26#39;m wearing shorts today as it%26#39;s so summery.
You just never can tell from one day to the next this time of year.
Jeans or light pants in the evening would be fine.
Looks like Friday will be too cool for shorts (the wind comes off the lake in the spring, and downtown can be 10 degrees cooler than the official high temperature, which is measured at O%26#39;Hare airport.)
Saturday and Sunday may have thunderstorms - only Sunday looks like real shorts weather. Monday %26#39;s cold front can make temperatures drop 20 degrees, so it looks like long pants and a raincoat every day except Sunday.
maitee7, you might want to read Tom Skilling%26#39;s entire forecast and not just the above noted link based on indicators run Monday. See the Chicago Tribune%26#39;s website for it. Gives quite a bit more information about the indications they see gathering.
Just so you know how probable these predictions are: An hour ago the Tribune%26#39;s headline for the weather contained a question mark after thunderstorms and now it%26#39;s changed to read as if they are more likely.
If storms are generated from the conditions over the plains, if and when they come through the area, the temperature will probably dip substantially. This usually happens this time of year.
Have lived here my entire life and I%26#39;d pack at least two pairs of shorts for your upcoming trip. IMHO, I think you%26#39;ll want them. But don%26#39;t forget your light jacket.
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