Friday, April 13, 2012

American Girl Place- Chicago

Taking my 12 year daughter to AG in Chicago in June 2007. Made reservations at the InterContintental with an AG package.(doll bed and AG magazine and books and cookies and milk) for $239/night in the historic tower.

Any suggestions of things to do after we are finished with the AG store? We are there for 3 days.

American Girl Place- Chicago

There%26#39;s lots to do here, depending on your particular interests. Pleas take a look at the introduction to Chicago section on this web site. Feel free to ask more specific questions.

Also take a look at You can enter the dates of your visit to see what%26#39;s going on here.

American Girl Place- Chicago

Hi, I%26#39;m bringing up my daughter this month also. We booked tickets for Wicked for a matinee and the Blue Man Group one night. We also plan on hitting the orignal House of Pancakes and brunch at the Pump Room.

My 12 year old daughter and her friends loved Wicked! At intermission she was already planning to save money for another show. The Science %26amp; Industry Museum is excellent for girls her age, although a bit further away from your hotel. Have fun!

A few days ago there was a post ';Best attractions for kids ?'; where people gave a lot of good suggestions. You might want to check that out.

Oh, there are many things to do like to go shopping in the magnificient mile, going to the sears tower, walking in the grant park or going to the navy pier, there are also zoo and other parks


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