Friday, April 13, 2012

wrigley field sec. 527 row 8

I appreciate all the help in finding Cubs tickets. Not sure where the best place to sit would be even after looking at the stadium map. Would section 527 Row 8 be a great view of the game. From previous entries it sounds as if the view in some seats may be blocked by posts. Thanks for all the help.

wrigley field sec. 527 row 8

Seating quality, is so subjective by personal preference vs. price paid. You will be fine with the location you cite, though you are high relative to the plate.

In general, many seats at Wrigley are subject to obstruction by columns to some portion of the field. Sometimes you cannot see the pitcher or catcher or an infield base, while the spectator next to you can. If you%26#39;re a die-hard, worry about this and pay more to avoid it accordingly. If you%26#39;re a casual fan, and you%26#39;ve got a block of 4-5 seats such that the %26#39;true fans%26#39; can see what they want while they kids can see the cotton candy vendor and leave with great memory - - - buy the cheapest tickets you can and enjoy a great day at the ballpark. The worst day at Wrigley is always better than your best day at work.

wrigley field sec. 527 row 8

500 series tickets are subject to obstructions (poles) above row 3. 200 series (lower level) are subject to obstructions above row 6 (I think).

My faves are 400 series tix (front part of upper deck) --no obstructions anywhere and a great view of field and can usually be had reasonable.

This is a handy website.鈥ection_mlb_cubs_527.htm

Click on Section 527 and you%26#39;ll see what the view is like from that particular section.

Thanks for all the help!!

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