Sunday, April 15, 2012

Best Place to Sit in Wrigley Field

Hi. I need to buy tickets for my family of 4. I was wondering where would you suggest we sit? Any advise would be appreciated! Thanks!

Best Place to Sit in Wrigley Field

It all depends on how much you want to spend. Wrigley can get expensive. Just as in a theater, the closer you are to the action, the more expensive it is.

Best Place to Sit in Wrigley Field

For day games, the left field / 3B side will get more sun than the right field side. The best value in my opinion is up the lines near the bullpens, but like Dave says, it%26#39;s all a matter of what you%26#39;re looking for and how much you%26#39;re willing to spend.

I like the first base side because it has a full view of the right-handed batters and it gets shade early. The lower level is best, but the upper levels aren%26#39; t bad. The bleachers are not a good place for a family, in my opinion. Too much profanity, too much sun, and the kids get squeezed by the seating.

I agree with pgo, don%26#39;t do bleachers with kids. I finally got-it what the ';Bleacher Bums'; was all about after sitting there and actually saw a women 5 feet from me get blooded and plummeled by the crowd when a fly ball went toward her. For a mid range price, I like the terrace box as they are close enough to see the action and you%26#39;re under the awning in case it rains. For weather and temp it depends which way the wind is blowing from so, other than sun or under the awning during rain that%26#39;s the most control you have. I never noticed why we like sitting up the first base line so much but pgo is right because we get to see the batters facing us. Make sure you walk around and visit the outdoor patio on the second level behind home base--it%26#39;s a great view of the street around the Wrigley area and nice place to sit and get hot dogs with the family.

I went on the cubs site to order tickets and it says they don%26#39;t even have 4 tickets together at any price level. This is the one thing I wanted to do on this trip and basically planned my trip so we could be there on Friday to see the game. Do you have any suggestions about where I can get some tickets?

Why are they sold out so early? We don%26#39;t have this problem in Atlanta.

Thank you.


The Cubs are a hot commodity here, despite their lack of playing ability. Wrigley Field is a big draw.

Check and for tickets.

I remember growing up (grew up 40 miles E of chicago) the cubs a big deal. I used to love going to the games, but I had no idea it was so difficult getting tickets. They are also expensive! I%26#39;m used to getting free tickets to the braves and getting excellent seats right behind the dug out.

I found some seats in sections 226, 228, 229. Would those be good seats with a good view?



Looks good to me. Here%26#39;s a seating map -

%26lt;%26lt; We don%26#39;t have this problem in Atlanta. %26gt;%26gt;

I%26#39;ve always been amazed that the Braves didn%26#39;t even sell out playoff games. Game 5 of the NLDS in 2003 had a lot of seats populated by Cubs fans, who discovered that seats were available at retail while the seats in Chicago were being scalped for more than a round-trip from O%26#39;Hare to Hartsfield would cost.

Enjoy the game!

';I found some seats in sections 226, 228, 229. Would those be good seats with a good view?';

You may be stuck behind a pole with those seats. Along with that you will not see the ball for a time if the ball is hit in the air because you will be under the second level. If you can find them it may be better to seats in the 400 level.

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