Friday, April 13, 2012

Get to Garretts Popcorn

I am Traveling to Chicago and would like to get information how to get To a Garretts from the Airport

Get to Garretts Popcorn

Take the Blue Line to Jackson and walk east. Should be less than a block away at 26 W Jackson.

Get to Garretts Popcorn

Thank You

Does Garretts sell sizes smaller than a gallon? The the website this is all you can order. I wouldn%26#39;t mind trying it but I do not need a gallon!

A gallon of popcorn really isn%26#39;t as much as it seems. Remember, this is a U.S. Gallon (0.83 Imperial Gallons). For me, it is enough to knosh on for a week or two. Usually after that, I am sick of popcorn for awhile.

Also is there is good Restraunts to eat around Garrett%26#39;s?

You can purchase smaller than a gallon portions of popcorn in the stores.

Please do a dining search at and You can search by location, cuisine, budget etc.

I would like to go to the one on Michigan Av which L do I catch?

Either the Grand Ave or Chicago Ave stop on the red line is the closest.

Assuming you are coming from O%26#39;Hare you will take the Blue Line towards the Loop and would then transfer to the Red Line at Jackson. Get out at State and Grand, exit to the North East (it%26#39;s indicated on the walls which stairway takes you which direction) and continue East 3 blocks to Michigan, turn left, and you%26#39;ll smell it in a few blocks.

Eating around there you will not be staying on Michigan Ave. but look at Heaven on Seven, Grand Lux Cafe, Bice, Weber Grill, or the Rock Bottom, all within that immediate area.


Thanks for yor help

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