Thursday, April 19, 2012

Toll Roads

I%26#39;ll be coming in on I-88 from Des Moines to Oak Brook, how much are the toll roads? Are they manned or unmanned, should i bring some rolls of change?

Toll Roads

Rates are here:鈥?/a>

Looks like you%26#39;ll be spending $13.40.

Scroll down for I-88. The first column is for I-Pass, so you%26#39;ll be looking at the second column. The ones with asterisks are unmanned, so definitely bring rolls of change. Since most of them are $0.80, you%26#39;ll need quarters, dimes, and nickels.

They have a toll calculator, but it%26#39;s being reconfigured for I-88 so you have to look at the charts.

Here%26#39;s the link for others who might be interested:

Toll Roads

You could save a bunch of money by taking I-80 most of the way across Illinois, then I-55 north to I-294 to I-88. You%26#39;ll only pay tolls on 294 and a very short stretch of 88 instead of all the way across the state on 88.

I-88 is not in particularly good shape, and it is not much of a shortcut compared to taking 80/55.

Actually, the toll for paying cash for the entire length of I-88 is $5.40. This is assuming that you don%26#39;t get off/on and have to pay an additional toll. I think that a previous poster simply added up the tolls for all toll plazas, but the list has ramp tolls listed as well as mainline tolls. All mainline toll plazas are manned.

I believe ebob is correct, I haven%26#39;t driven the whole thing but I do drive from Chicago to Aurora on occasion and I only pay the tolls at York Road and Aurora, the rest are what you pay if you get off in between the main toll plazas. I believe all the ones you%26#39;ll hit are manned but I%26#39;d bring some change just in case.

Since you probably do not have an I Pass, make sure you watch the signs and stay over to the right when approaching toll plazas for the cash lanes. Illinois has open road tolling where people with an I Pass don%26#39;t even have to slow down, it would be easy to fly through one of these accidentally.

Oops - my bad. It is only $5.40. I was including all the exits.


';Since you probably do not have an I Pass, make sure you watch the signs and stay over to the right when approaching toll plazas for the cash lanes. Illinois has open road tolling where people with an I Pass don%26#39;t even have to slow down, it would be easy to fly through one of these accidentally.';

If you do go through the I Pass lane just tell the next toll booth attendant what you did. They will give you an envelope that lets you either pay the toll at the next booth or mail it in. I think you have 5 days to mail it in. I got in the I pass lane once.

I would follow Chipsets advice and take 88 as little as possible. Whenever I go to Chicago I always take 55 into the city.

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