Sunday, April 15, 2012

From Ohare to Flemish House East Cedar Street Guidance.

I am arriving at O%26#39;Hare at approx 14.00hrs on a Wednesday, how would you recommend that I get to my hotel? I was thinking of just taking a taxi, however having read the comments the queues for taxis could be quite long. How long would it take to get to my hotel by taxi? Would you suggest that I take the El subway and would I need to change? I am travelling back to O%26#39;hare on a Sunday around 13.00hrs will the traffic be reasonably quiet then? Any suggestions?

Many thanks.

From Ohare to Flemish House East Cedar Street Guidance.

Are you making a connection elsewhere in the USA, or is O%26#39;Hare your port of arrival? If the latter, and you arrive from the UK at 14.00, by the time you get through immigration and customs and make your way to the taxi queue it will be closer to 15.00 and you%26#39;ll start getting into rush hour. But since you%26#39;ll have been flying all day (and it will feel like 21.00 UK time), if cost isn%26#39;t an issue the taxi will be easier than the L. Most likely the taxi would be faster than taking the L.

If you do take the L, you%26#39;ll take the Blue Line all the way downtown to Jackson %26amp; Dearborn, then transfer to a northbound Red Line (';To Howard';) a few stops to Clark %26amp; Division. That will bring you within a few blocks of Flemish House.

On a Sunday at 13.00 the traffic will be reasonably quiet - though there always seems to be at least a little traffic towards O%26#39;Hare. A taxi would be faster than taking the CTA, again, if cost isn%26#39;t an issue.

The sweet thing about taking the CTA to either airport is the cost: just $2.

From Ohare to Flemish House East Cedar Street Guidance.

Thank you Chipset very helpful. Taxi seems the obvious bet. It sound a lot of hassle changing lines with siutcases.

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