Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Inexpensive restaurant to have a nice dinner

Hi All!

Any suggestions welcome! We love all kind of food, except junk.

We%26#39;ll spend all day in town, however our Hotel is in Northbrook (Hilton) . Any ';must:'; eat places in Chicago?:)

Inexpensive restaurant to have a nice dinner

';Must'; eat places can include hot dog stands up to tablecloth joints. Please take a look at and for dining ideas. You can do a search by location, cuisine, budget etc.

Inexpensive restaurant to have a nice dinner

I%26#39;m assuming that you%26#39;ll be taking the Metra train from Northbrook to/from downtown. The downtown Chicago Metra station is not far from Greektown. My favorite Greektown joint is Pegasus. If the weather%26#39;s nice, dine on the rooftop.

If you do a quick search on this forum you%26#39;ll find the same topic discussed a couple of times very recently....also check out the sticky posts regarding etiquette before posting.

If you are looking to save a few dollars, you should eat some of your dinners or breakfasts near your hotel. You%26#39;ll get more for your money than downtown.

There is a whole strip of restaurants south of your hotel on Milwaukee Avenue in Glenview. To the north on Milwaukee Avenue is another string of restaurants near Dundee Road. Many of these are more upscale, anchored by the famous Le Francais. There are some moderately priced ones, though - Hackney%26#39;s comes to mind, and there is a new osteria that%26#39;s getting good reviews, though the name escapes me.

In east Northbrook, by the Edens expressway, is a slew of moderately priced restaurants: Charlie Beinlich%26#39;s, Dr. Zushi, Prairie Grass. Francesca%26#39;s in downtown Northbrook is a branch of a popular Chicago restaurant and has very good food at reasonable prices. It is small, though.

I%26#39;m afraid that ';must eat'; places in the city often mean ';must spend plenty of money.'; If you are looking for moderate places near Union Station (the Metra terminus for Northbrook/Glenview trains) go to Greektown or Wishbone.

Near North Michigan Avenue, try Boston Blackie%26#39;s, Star of Siam, South Water Market, Park Grill, Bandera, Grand Lux Cafe, Rosebud.

Hi All!

I want to thank you all for great suggestions.

I didn%26#39;t get to all places I planned but here is my favorite:

I highly recommend to everyone, if you like German cousine.

Uhm, Berghoff%26#39;s closed last year.

I like PGO%26#39;s suggetions and the Greek Town idea. However, in Greek Town go to the outdoor area in Athena for brunch. You will love it.

Since you are in staying Northbrook, I would suggest going for dinner Bob Chinn%26#39;s Crabhouse (they also have steaks) in nearby Wheeling ( Go with a big group (casual atmoshphere) and enjoy those Mai-tais! Cafe Iberico has great tapas and it%26#39;s pretty reasonable (borderline inexpensive). My absolute fave is North Pond in Lincoln Park (

Another suggestion of a ';must'; do in Chicago will be to go to Wrigleyville and check out the pubs/bars on a game day (FUN!!). Well, maybe that would involve more drinking than eating.....;-P

Hey CPPfoutz - once again, I knew I would find you here HA HA

I agree with CP, this topic comes up consistently but it%26#39;s worth doing a search on the form as people have expressed some interesting suggestions in the past.

';Umm Bergoffs closed last year'; Well technically yes it did however there is still Bergoffs cafe which is ran by the daughter, features about 7 of the most popular items along with new and contemporary items in a new venue of presentation. All this is now done is the former bar area and YES they still serve the Bergoff bear. Worth a visit and very enjoyable but not the same if you are ';jonesing'; for the old and not willing to accept the passing of the former.

oops BEER too many Coronal for me!

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