How much is 24 h parking fee?
Millenium Park Garage
It is $16 for 24hours
Millenium Park Garage
No, not any more. It ain%26#39;t the bargain it used to be.
The new rates are:
0-8 hours: $17
8-10 hours: $19
10-12 hours: $21
12-24 hours: $23
On weekdays there is a $14 rate if you enter between 6 and 10am and exit by 7pm.
Like anywhere else, if you park 24 hours and 1 minute, you%26#39;d pay for a second day, so $40 (23 + 17).
It was such a good deal, it had to end.
Sterling Self Park is still good if you%26#39;re in the River North area. But I think it%26#39;s gone up a couple of bucks since this was posted:
The Sterling Self-Park Garage
(located between Clark and LaSalle on Kinzie)
$24 per day
In by 7 a.m. out by 7 p.m. - $14
In by 9 a.m. out by 7 p.m. - $18 per day
After 3 p.m. and weekends - $6
Yes, Sterling is now $8/eve %26amp; wkends (in by 3pm on weekdays, all day Sat %26amp; Sun, out by 5am)
You can also check out Put in your location and it will show area parking. Some of them have prices, but if not there%26#39;ll be a phone number to call.
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